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  • carolinebridgette1

Compare and Contrast


Camerawork: Wide shots, close ups, and two shots are used when the wife and the husband are in the basement together. Over the angle was used when they were arguing and low angle when the guy is murdering her. Two high angles were used when her body was shown and when he reached for the gun.

Sound: Sounds included would be when they were talking, the suspense music when he hit her and the sound of a washing machine.

Use of mise-en-scène: When he placed a call in the living room, when he placed the gun in the bathroom, when he killed his wife in the basement, and him appearing beaten up.

Editing: Camera cut back and forth when the wife and her husband were arguing in the basement. There was also editing when showing the blood on the walls after he killed her.

Compare and Contrast:

The shots I noticed were the high angles. Crane movement was added in the beginning, the high angle and a tilt as he is coming down the stairs.

Candidate states that there was the sound of the people talking, music, and the washing machine.

Candidate pointed out the low lighting and the dull colors of the people’s clothes.

In the notes, they talk about how the setting fades from one to another which helps establish the main setting the character is in.

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